Freya Pauwels obtained her Bachelor of Dance in 2012. She immediately danced in SWAN LAKE and THE MATCH van Lonneke van Leth in The Hague. Then she has performed in L'AUTRE and PRÉSENCE by Brice Mousset in Paris and New York. She trained in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, New York, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Adelaide ... In 2015, however, she was invited by The Australian Dance Theater for an exchange that would eventually have a huge impact on her career. As a freelancer, she worked closely with Min Hee Bervoets, Michel Froget, Cie Newa, Luc Petit, Martino Muller, Jeremy Lepine, Soul15, Laurent Reunbrouck, Laurent Flament ... She has already provided acts for VTM and Q-MUSIC and is a permanent teacher of the K3 and Samsonballet of Studio 100. She danced in 5AM and DESTINATIONS of Company Yetsirah as well as in Company Noi's DONNA. She has also been part of Tomorrowland's mainstage entertainment as a dancer and aerialist for several years in a row. She also flew high above the ground in PEDALAENDO HACIA EL CIELO of Theater Tol in France and Taiwan. She has just completed LES NOCTURNALES from Luc Petit Création and currently she is touring with PETER PAN from Musichall abroad and she is participating in the new production CINDERELLA by Laurent Flament.